Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The morning (mourning) after.

Still reverberates the crackle of your ringing laughter
It all feels so empty, the morning after
Swept and swabbed the dirt and the dust and the rubbish and the clutter
Pray, how do i sweep your sunshine, from this heart aflutter?
You were right here, i was mumble and mutter and stutter
Now that you are gone, i am a rag, torn and tatter/ed

The words so much like the flowing blood
Need a slash, a hurt to have me flood
You were the joy, now, you are the pain
My efforts to sweep you out, all in vain
Can't wish away this morning sunshine
Wonder when shall the tears rain?

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Wintry Whirls..............

Maa,show me a warmer place..(no offense meant to you, of course)
My old cotton quilt, oh, the cuddliest embrace
Every morn, why make me feel,the hug is a disgrace?
After what struggle, i created the cosy space? My carapace!
And your efforts to have me displace/d?
Come, get in, it is almost an anaesthetising mace!.........................

So comforting this abode of verse
Feel the words of the world very terse
The debates, the dialogues, a modern curse
But for the poems, the world would've been much worse
Silence any day for me , not the hollow words
Still, when the words escape, if loose are the strings of the purse
The echoes of silence, in my abode of verse, i nurse..........................................2.

Long back, stopped looking in the mirror
Can't look into my own eyes, sheer terror
No morals, no courage to go through the horror
Easier to sulk from self, until surer...................................................................3.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Word The Silence.

Come to me, we shall talk
Extinguish the candles, we shall walk
Make the night darker, come, live for broke
We shall light up the moon- to, love revoke

The silence between us, a stifling cloak
The longing, the love, a suffocating choke
The silence reverberates, echoes, yet not a croak
Words hide, flee, can't even hoke
Need the words, bind us, together- a yoke
The song of life needs words- we spoke
We shall hum and love-provoke
Kindle the life-soak.

Friday, December 25, 2009

It Is Still Vivid.....

The first, inadvertent brush of the finger
The goose bumps are still ginger
The fragrances still linger

The faceless crowd got increasingly blurred
Your face, a stand out,the eyes, then, never fluttered

The futility of concealing a smile
The dimple and the crimson blush
Let it all away by a mile
You needed more guile

Did you lift your eyes?
Those eyes! Purity wide shut!
The kohl, its enchanting line
And they say, intoxicating is the wine
This heart of mine
Somersaulted, flip-flopped to cloud nine......

Yes, i yearn for freedom
For this heart is your personal fiefdom
But sometimes i wonder
If it isn't a bliss to be a slave in your kingdom?

Not An Anecdote

Do you remember?

The first drawing on the yellowed paper
You drew the wavy water
I plonked the boat, steady, safer
You added the oar
I showed you the shore

I want us to float
Let us sail in that boat
The oar to tide over the moat
To a place in the sun so remote
Our lives-rewrote
Not a mere anecdote....

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Meet The Unfamiliar....

Courage is the power to let go of the familiar
Stare in the eyes and confront the unfamiliar

The weather, treacherous
The sea violent-dangerous
The waves leaping to engulf-almost lecherous
The ship shall still navigate the tyrannosaurus

The sea has to roar
The waves have to soar
Courage is somber
The ship may be safe in the harbour
Hanover or Dover
Shall always sail the rough seas-never a push over
Time to take over
You, ready for walkover?

Wish You Were There...

Gale winds and then torrents of rain
Me at the open window-insane
With insufferable longing, heartache and pain

The certain knock at the door
I did hear your foot steps on the floor
The heart aflutter sans any moor
Only to find empty spaces and more stour
The bleeding heart left no spoor

We were sunk in the deep sea of love
Now, i am barely afloat in the torrents of tears
Please come, set my heart free of the fears

The unending loneliness, the deafening silence
An abundance of nostalgia- still wistful
A still evening and a gnawing night-a large fistful
Come back, make our lives-full.........


Don't blame it on the law of gravitation
We fell in love because of the law of attraction
For us, we have risen in love
Thanks to the laws of buoyancy and evolution
The elation in love has rendered immense satisfaction
Call it a lifetime of gratification

Damn the theory of relativity
Our love-absolute, shall glorify the theory of infinity
Shall we call it the theory of eternity?
Or the practice of veracity?
Let us rewrite the laws of conformity
And restore the faith in conventionality.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


I do not pray to a friend
I do not worship the equal
And if YOU require worship
YOU require obedience
Then how are YOU-God?......................

Now a days my spirits are high
Thanks to the great spirits flowing in me
But i do worry now and then
For men of great spirits like me
Are at a higher risk
When smaller souls rule the world.......................

Why does dumbness live here?
Oh, then where else could it be?
Intelligence must have some other address
In a lifetime, haven't come across it
Must be on some other planet
They must be smart as well
Never bothered to contact us..........

Old folks are smart
They created principles
Declared war for them
Let the young fight for them
And die..............................

Our Neem.

Our neem at the corner waved me to a halt........
"What has caked on your cheeks
Isn't it the last night's tears and their salt?"

"I can see she is not with you
Must be your fault!"

Our neem has all the rights
He has been a mute witness to all our fights

I am not surprised he thought it wise
To query the absence of my coveted prize

I don't know about you
But i feel a stranger in our own home

Feel like a swing halted in midair
Our home feels like an eerie lair

Will you come back if i asked you?


Come back so that the cuckoo doesn't go on cooing
I am sure, at me, she is booing

The road feels strange and looks really stretched
Come back even if its hope is far fetched

Come back please
As the neem tells me that i need a release
I actually heard him as i write this,

"Why don't you iron out the crease?
Both your lives need a new lease".............

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Come, Walk With Me.

Did i hear you ask me?
"Where to?
There is no path, visible to me!"

Did you hear me, tell you?
"I am with you
Isn't that enough to walk with me?"

You were your usual self, doubting and questioning
Did i have a choice? I went on answering....

How long do i walk?
Till my breath keeps you company!

How long shall your breath last?
Till you hold my hand, come fast!

But if i want to wriggle free? your hand?
No hope in hell, mate, until i drop dead !

How long do i keep waiting-awake?
Till the night remains young, for Christ's sake!

But how long shall the night remain young?
Oh, simple! Till i pluck the moon for you!

But did i ask you for the moon?
Ask anyway, shall fulfill your desires, it's only noon!

How long do i desire?
Oh, i know, till you keep expecting from me!

Big words, you still haven't answered, where shall we go, there isn't a path...
We go together, if you accompany, we walk and shall make our path...

Friday, December 11, 2009

Oh God !

He is everywhere and knows everything!
Your God!

Write a letter to Him
Post it without an address
Do you know His?

Wait for His reply
You know He always does reply
Or does He, ever, really?

Didn't you pray all your life?
Wouldn't He grant an audience
Even if it be for a moment
In lieu of all your life?
Please tell me
Would He ever?

Tell me, i am waiting..........

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Lost Without You.

After you leave
Count the leftovers in my sieve
Crumbs to ruminate on and peeve
Nothing left to give and a lot to grieve

Minutes and hours and days and nights
Weeks and months and years and now fading lights
Your void- my life blights
Your presence -your love, the only shining lights

Holding onto the finger of solitude
In loneliness seek fortitude
Eyes half shut in gratitude
Or still lost in your dreams multitude?

Your God-Please Unveil

Our dear God, a myth and a mystery
He/She shall remain an intrigue and an enigma
It shall forever be
My disbelief against your story.............

Why not lift the veil of secrecy?
Unveil your GOD-show Him
Clear the throat, give a shout
Wouldn't you want to clear this lunacy?......

The 'asanas' and 'mudras'
Yet another state of inertia
Clench your fists and run
He may be just round the corner
Chase Him down
Show Him to me when you are done............

Good fortune comes knocking
Only when destiny gets tired of waiting
Who knows how long has been your waiting
Your luck? needs a bit of kicking.......................

Don't you die wondering
The pearls could just be yours for the asking
Don't stand at the shore pondering
Not a bad idea after all-the diving and grabbing................

I query your God, i know your tirade
But for me He is just a mirage
Taste for me the mirage
Sweet or sour?
We shall at least know
Your belief or my disbelief
Which is dour?

Friday, October 30, 2009

The hosts, the hospitality, the hospitals, the hospice and the nhumane humans

1.The HIGHEST common denominator,( as opposed to the" factor" that we have all learned in our mathematics at school) in the friends and families abroad, is their effortless ease in DOING things for the visitors.The common thread that binds them all, without any exception, is the distances they drive to and from the airports, the drives to tourist places, the untiring attitude and the best of the lots is that they do not even make the visitors feel indebted or obliged to their hospitality.

Our host in the UK, a bosom friend has been doing it for me , for the last 10 years and never has he flinched from his duty.So have the relations, who take turns to make it convenient to take us around.

The reason why i feel so strongly about this particular aspect is that i hate driving, especially in the crowded parts of Ahmedabad and rarely have offered to do the same for my guests, a huge weakness that matches many more in my persona.

It is obvious and well-known that you are impressed maximally by what you lack in yourself.Hence, it does not take much to impress me from their end.

The host in Canada drove almost one thousand miles in five days and made me feel that he wanted to do more.Ditto for the two gentlemen in USA, who logged in about 1200 miles in the same period.

Let me take a bit of the sheen from their handsome work! Their cars are a joy to drive, the road conditions on the motorway beg for more, and the scenic beauty of Canada in autumn and the incredibly beautiful Pennsylvania and Washington D.C. fall colors may have made their task easier.

I am almost certain of their collective retort to this text, "Big deal, this is a done thing all over the world."

My simple refrain is, " Not here, at least not with me."

2.Baltimore, is infamous for its increasing crime rate and a place not in the top 10 list when one visits the US of A. Though its aquarium can hold a candle to any in the world, an architectural marvel.

But it is famous and likely to remain so, thanks to our hostess for a night, at,whose lovely home, we had a sleep over.

Forced loneliness coupled with emptiness caused by a sudden departure(demise) of a spouse are almost unbearable and hence unlivable.She lost her husband ( a very handsome, affable man in his late fifties) to the scourge of many in the Western world, a massive heart attack leading to sudden death, in sleep.

Sudden deaths have almost "accidental death"connotations.You are there and the next moment.....Somehow, i feel the loss feels and seems ghastly and very cruel.

If ever there was a more dignified, determined and graceful loner,then, i have not seen or heard of.The lady is so matter-of -fact, though looks a pale shadow of her very pretty self but the beauty of hers is abundantly resplendent in the dignified manner in which she carries herself.She has a fantastically warm, helpful extended family, but i guess you live your solitude and your memories and nostalgia , very privately.

We in India, live in a huge myth, that we have the greatest advantage of CLOSE human interactions and we are very emotional and sensitive.The faster we return to reality that we are extremely selfish, uncaring and insensitive bunch of brutes who become the ugliest when we are faceless, the better it shall be.At least it shall initiate a process of redemption.Not only have we lost value of human lives and their dignity, but even in death, we are crass, crude, callous and uncouth.We have lost our sensitivity eons ago.

The realisation is even more evident when i heard this story:

After the sudden and tragic loss of her husband, the lady's son also had to leave home for further studies and work.Now those who live abroad are aware of the hazards of living there without a domestic help and the DIY is a given.

You wash your dishes and clothes and iron them and clean your cars and dust your house and the list is endless....But the worst is mowing your lawn periodically in spring, clearing your front and backyard of dry autumn leaves almost everyday in fall and the cruelest being shovelling the snow almost everyday in peak winter.

The neighbours in her vicinity did not crowd around for a day to show their solidarity or for the support and disappear the next, like it happens here.But sure enough, an Afro-Caribbean next door, took it all upon himself to shovel snow, mow the lawn and clean the backyard of the dry autumn leaves till he is her neighbour.Sure enough, almost every morning when she would open her main door , there would be a bouquet of flowers, freshly baked cookies, chocolates and the works, outside as a mark of care, warmth and solidarity for her-of course, all these sans any name or identity.

So much for an aloof or a distant, insular society......So much for the "our values against theirs".....I don't know about you but i am hugely ashamed at what we claim and what we exhibit.....

Sure enough, as long as she lives there, she is never going to be alone.....

3.One of the strongest reasons to travel to Baltimore was to renew my ties with an old acquaintance...Old in more ways than one....He is the most dignified 97 year old that has tread ed the planet.Our association dates back to the times when in Ahmedabad, he used to visit my clinic with his wife for regular checks.

Now the wife ! If you could ever find another man who quietly allowed the wife, her unruly ways of mismanaging her ailment, then we are sharing a different planet.Diametrically opposite in their mannerisms, as always is the case in long standing marriages, it was a refreshing interaction every time they visited me.

Finally, her ailment took a turn for the worse and as is the prevalent health care system, she was declared "terminally sick".

For the uninitiated, which includes yours truly as well, the health care system declares an ailing individual"terminally sick", when curative/therapeutic options get limited or actually cease to exist and the patient is then moved from hospital care to a hospice care, purely for palliative therapy.Usually, their stay with the world is then limited to months or weeks.

When she was shifted to a hospice care, rather than despondency commonly associated with morbidity, the outlook to life? got only better.What with a nurse dedicated for her care who would maintain impeccable cleanliness and the nurse not only made friends with the temperamental lady, but also leaned how to wrap a SARI around her.The hospice would take care of the routine and medications as well, all this at no cost at all to the patient.

When she breathed her last, the nurse was informed of her death.Lo and behold! She informed the close relations to wait for her.She duly bathed and cleaned her, wrapped a neat sari around her for the final time and attended her funeral !!!!!!!!

This was just the prelude.

The Social counsellor then took it upon himself to keep her husband in better mental make up by interacting with him on everyday basis to dispel loneliness.He would get him books to read and keep him good company till the health care personnel were convinced that the gentleman was in no danger of depression and shall be able to weave back, the threads of his life.

The old gentleman has his own set of health issues and has to stay alone at home when people leave for work.

He has been given a wrist band which is his emergency care system.At the press of a button, 911 gets dialled, an ambulance van with paramedics reach him in less than 10 minutes.There are special frequency phones provided to him where he could be contacted in the house and can be talked to.Not only that, there is a mock drill carried out on a monthly basis to keep him reassured of the medical help available to him.

Talk of dignity, talk of values..talk of USA.....




1.The HIGHEST common denominator,( as opposed to the" factor" that we have all learned in our mathematics at school) in the friends and families abroad, is their effortless ease in DOING things for the visitors.The common thread that binds them all, without any exception, is the distances they drive to and from the airports, the drives to tourist places, the untiring attitude and the best of the lots is that they do not even make the visitors feel indebted or obliged to their hospitality.

Our host in the UK, a bosom friend has been doing it for me , for the last 10 years and never has he flinched from his duty.So have the relations, who take turns to make it convenient to take us around.

The reason why i feel so strongly about this particular aspect is that i hate driving, especially in the crowded parts of Ahmedabad and rarely have offered to do the same for my guests, a huge weakness that matches many more in my persona.

It is obvious and well-known that you are impressed maximally by what you lack in yourself.Hence, it does not take much to impress me from their end.

The host in Canada drove almost one thousand miles in five days and made me feel that he wanted to do more.Ditto for the two gentlemen in USA, who logged in about 1200 miles in the same period.

Let me take a bit of the sheen from their handsome work! Their cars are a joy to drive, the road conditions on the motorway beg for more, and the scenic beauty of Canada in autumn and the incredibly beautiful Pennsylvania and Washington D.C. fall colors may have made their task easier.

I am almost certain of their collective retort to this text, "Big deal, this is a done thing all over the world."

My simple refrain is, " Not here, at least not with me."

2.Baltimore, is infamous for its increasing crime rate and a place not in the top 10 list when one visits the US of A. Though its aquarium can hold a candle to any in the world, an architectural marvel.

But it is famous and likely to remain so, thanks to our hostess for a night, at,whose lovely home, we had a sleep over.

Forced loneliness coupled with emptiness caused by a sudden departure(demise) of a spouse are almost unbearable and hence unlivable.She lost her husband ( a very handsome, affable man in his late fifties) to the scourge of many in the Western world, a massive heart attack leading to sudden death, in sleep.

Sudden deaths have almost "accidental death"connotations.You are there and the next moment.....Somehow, i feel the loss feels and seems ghastly and very cruel.

If ever there was a more dignified, determined and graceful loner,then, i have not seen or heard of.The lady is so matter-of -fact, though looks a pale shadow of her very pretty self but the beauty of hers is abundantly resplendent in the dignified manner in which she carries herself.She has a fantastically warm, helpful extended family, but i guess you live your solitude and your memories and nostalgia , very privately.

We in India, live in a huge myth, that we have the greatest advantage of CLOSE human interactions and we are very emotional and sensitive.The faster we return to reality that we are extremely selfish, uncaring and insensitive bunch of brutes who become the ugliest when we are faceless, the better it shall be.At least it shall initiate a process of redemption.Not only have we lost value of human lives and their dignity, but even in death, we are crass, crude, callous and uncouth.We have lost our sensitivity eons ago.

The realisation is even more evident when i heard this story:

After the sudden and tragic loss of her husband, the lady's son also had to leave home for further studies and work.Now those who live abroad are aware of the hazards of living there without a domestic help and the DIY is a given.

You wash your dishes and clothes and iron them and clean your cars and dust your house and the list is endless....But the worst is mowing your lawn periodically in spring, clearing your front and backyard of dry autumn leaves almost everyday in fall and the cruelest being shovelling the snow almost everyday in peak winter.

The neighbours in her vicinity did not crowd around for a day to show their solidarity or for the support and disappear the next, like it happens here.But sure enough, an Afro-Caribbean next door, took it all upon himself to shovel snow, mow the lawn and clean the backyard of the dry autumn leaves till he is her neighbour.Sure enough, almost every morning when she would open her main door , there would be a bouquet of flowers, freshly baked cookies, chocolates and the works, outside as a mark of care, warmth and solidarity for her-of course, all these sans any name or identity.

So much for an aloof or a distant, insular society......So much for the "our values against theirs".....I don't know about you but i am hugely ashamed at what we claim and what we exhibit.....

Sure enough, as long as she lives there, she is never going to be alone.....

3.One of the strongest reasons to travel to Baltimore was to renew my ties with an old acquaintance...Old in more ways than one....He is the most dignified 97 year old that has tread ed the planet.Our association dates back to the times when in Ahmedabad, he used to visit my clinic with his wife for regular checks.

Now the wife ! If you could ever find another man who quietly allowed the wife, her unruly ways of mismanaging her ailment, then we are sharing a different planet.Diametrically opposite in their mannerisms, as always is the case in long standing marriages, it was a refreshing interaction every time they visited me.

Finally, her ailment took a turn for the worse and as is the prevalent health care system, she was declared "terminally sick".

For the uninitiated, which includes yours truly as well, the health care system declares an ailing individual"terminally sick", when curative/therapeutic options get limited or actually cease to exist and the patient is then moved from hospital care to a hospice care, purely for palliative therapy.Usually, their stay with the world is then limited to months or weeks.

When she was shifted to a hospice care, rather than despondency commonly associated with morbidity, the outlook to life? got only better.What with a nurse dedicated for her care who would maintain impeccable cleanliness and the nurse not only made friends with the temperamental lady, but also leaned how to wrap a SARI around her.The hospice would take care of the routine and medications as well, all this at no cost at all to the patient.

When she breathed her last, the nurse was informed of her death.Lo and behold! She informed the close relations to wait for her.She duly bathed and cleaned her, wrapped a neat sari around her for the final time and attended her funeral !!!!!!!!

This was just the prelude.

The Social counsellor then took it upon himself to keep her husband in better mental make up by interacting with him on everyday basis to dispel loneliness.He would get him books to read and keep him good company till the health care personnel were convinced that the gentleman was in no danger of depression and shall be able to weave back, the threads of his life.

The old gentleman has his own set of health issues and has to stay alone at home when people leave for work.

He has been given a wrist band which is his emergency care system.At the press of a button, 911 gets dialled, an ambulance van with paramedics reach him in less than 10 minutes.There are special frequency phones provided to him where he could be contacted in the house and can be talked to.Not only that, there is a mock drill carried out on a monthly basis to keep him reassured of the medical help available to him.

Talk of dignity, talk of values..talk of USA.....

Thursday, October 29, 2009

my US diary


Leave us (US) alone...


My US Diary.

1. "Have a safe day.", was the common address heard across airlines, hotel staff, guides of the tours in tourist attraction places.Contrary to what is the customary "Nice day", the entire US of A is grappling with the insecurity associated with its internal security matters.The perpetrators of the fear must be rubbing their hands in glee and basking in vicarious pleasure of bringing down the superpower to its knees.But still, if the world has to experience a free and and an open society, the Yankees have it on offer on an everyday basis.Uncomplicated and simple for the locals and visitors, everyday life is so lucid and uneventful that it does not even register.After a while, the comforts of a hard earned infrastructure and facilities that are so predictably functional grow on the outsiders and evoke admiration and awe.

The common man on the street is open and uncomplicated.He does not sound or act constipated with complexes. The common American and specially the Afro- Caribbean, is loud, garrulous and effusive as we all are in this country.

I think it would be in the best interest of the entire world and its economy and progress if the US of A is left alone. I know how it would be perceived by many other die hard US haters, but the greatest weakness of that mighty nation- the consumption and wastage of resources, is great for the entire world.The world grows if America comes back to its old dirty ways of being consumers and users, with scant respect to the outside world and its problems.The dreaded "R" word of recession has changed the behavioral pattern of a common Yankee.

Leave them be.Let them be.Leave them alone.They are good.Honestly, they are different and their old ways were great for the new world order.

2.My host in US is a relatively recent immigrant and has yet to make his millions.He is a gentle, hard working American Indian who is sure to go places.

It was hugely fascinating to watch and interact with his kids who have been brought up in a society which had a problem of plenty.The older son, a 21 year old graduate in Finance is a brilliant mix of the Orient and the American.The value systems and family ties strongly responsible in creating the fundamental personality traits, he was warm, polite and extremely genuine in his warmth.Having had to desert his nest recently, because of a plum job in a nearby state, it was so touching to see his home sickness and need to stay with his parents and the close-knit family made a wonderful picture in their Indianness.

The younger one, all of 18, is like all younger ones usually are.Frank and never shy of opening his mind and thoughts to whoever cares or does not care to listen, he is a fantastically curious mix of still growing and slightly immature yet very endearing persona. He comes across as a man who is aware of what he has to do but has a greater influence of the foreign society.It is going to be a very fascinating unfolding of making of a man who is influenced by the values, ethics and morals of God-fearing, honest and hard working parents and a society that is a little strange for its ways to an outsider.But most heartening is the fact that the mix has made this really good looking kid, a cute little enigma for me.

3.The night at Times Square....

The romance of the star-struck visitors with the Big Apple will have a sizable contribution from the luminous, almost incandescent night at the Times Square. We all have seen and travelled far and wide and it is almost impossible to get affected, impressed, mesmerised or awe-struck by anything , anymore.But either my naivete caught up with me or the brilliance of the lights and the really happy atmosphere at the square,(i guess the latter seems more plausible) left me breathless and craving for more.

The very recent addition of fiery red steps in the middle of the square and the sitting area dotted with quaint chairs and tables has added a huge new dimension to spectator joy.

The ubiquitous Coke advert, a constant at the Times Square for eons and the glittering, shimmering Broadway hits, prominently displayed in spectacular colors, along with a host of other corporate giants jostling for space and eyeballs cause a light and show, unmatched in any part of the world.The millions of dollars spent for inches of space makes it absolutely mandatory that the creative advertising professionals mix and match figures and artifacts in colors that dazzle and blind the human eye.And boy, how many human eyes! The atmosphere transcends the onlooker into a world which is not only created by the lights, but also the immensely relaxed and happy partners in the area.Cheek by jowl, the human sea even on week nights, is a great joy to be with.The times spent doing nothing, ogling at the latest fashion divas dotting the area and the rich and the famous in their elegant attire, impart a special feeling.The masterly inactivity, of soaking in every little detail is truly engrossing and an experience of a lifetime to remember.

The whole experience was made even more delectable by the hot samosas and an aloo tikki chat, at the Times Square from a near by Indian joint.The purists may frown and twirl their nose and raise an eyebrow, but then what the heck,who the hell cares?A typically American ideology.

P.S. The samosas and the chaat could have given any authentic Bengali market joint a run for the money...contd.......



My US Diary.

1. "Have a safe day.", was the common address heard across airlines, hotel staff, guides of the tours in tourist attraction places.Contrary to what is the customary "Nice day", the entire US of A is grappling with the insecurity associated with its internal security matters.The perpetrators of the fear must be rubbing their hands in glee and basking in vicarious pleasure of bringing down the superpower to its knees.But still, if the world has to experience a free and and an open society, the Yankees have it on offer on an everyday basis.Uncomplicated and simple for the locals and visitors, everyday life is so lucid and uneventful that it does not even register.After a while, the comforts of a hard earned infrastructure and facilities that are so predictably functional grow on the outsiders and evoke admiration and awe.

The common man on the street is open and uncomplicated.He does not sound or act constipated with complexes. The common American and specially the Afro- Caribbean, is loud, garrulous and effusive as we all are in this country.

I think it would be in the best interest of the entire world and its economy and progress if the US of A is left alone. I know how it would be perceived by many other die hard US haters, but the greatest weakness of that mighty nation- the consumption and wastage of resources, is great for the entire world.The world grows if America comes back to its old dirty ways of being consumers and users, with scant respect to the outside world and its problems.The dreaded "R" word of recession has changed the behavioral pattern of a common Yankee.

Leave them be.Let them be.Leave them alone.They are good.Honestly, they are different and their old ways were great for the new world order.

2.My host in US is a relatively recent immigrant and has yet to make his millions.He is a gentle, hard working American Indian who is sure to go places.

It was hugely fascinating to watch and interact with his kids who have been brought up in a society which had a problem of plenty.The older son, a 21 year old graduate in Finance is a brilliant mix of the Orient and the American.The value systems and family ties strongly responsible in creating the fundamental personality traits, he was warm, polite and extremely genuine in his warmth.Having had to desert his nest recently, because of a plum job in a nearby state, it was so touching to see his home sickness and need to stay with his parents and the close-knit family made a wonderful picture in their Indianness.

The younger one, all of 18, is like all younger ones usually are.Frank and never shy of opening his mind and thoughts to whoever cares or does not care to listen, he is a fantastically curious mix of still growing and slightly immature yet very endearing persona. He comes across as a man who is aware of what he has to do but has a greater influence of the foreign society.It is going to be a very fascinating unfolding of making of a man who is influenced by the values, ethics and morals of God-fearing, honest and hard working parents and a society that is a little strange for its ways to an outsider.But most heartening is the fact that the mix has made this really good looking kid, a cute little enigma for me.

3.The night at Times Square....

The romance of the star-struck visitors with the Big Apple will have a sizable contribution from the luminous, almost incandescent night at the Times Square. We all have seen and travelled far and wide and it is almost impossible to get affected, impressed, mesmerised or awe-struck by anything , anymore.But either my naivete caught up with me or the brilliance of the lights and the really happy atmosphere at the square,(i guess the latter seems more plausible) left me breathless and craving for more.

The very recent addition of fiery red steps in the middle of the square and the sitting area dotted with quaint chairs and tables has added a huge new dimension to spectator joy.

The ubiquitous Coke advert, a constant at the Times Square for eons and the glittering, shimmering Broadway hits, prominently displayed in spectacular colors, along with a host of other corporate giants jostling for space and eyeballs cause a light and show, unmatched in any part of the world.The millions of dollars spent for inches of space makes it absolutely mandatory that the creative advertising professionals mix and match figures and artifacts in colors that dazzle and blind the human eye.And boy, how many human eyes! The atmosphere transcends the onlooker into a world which is not only created by the lights, but also the immensely relaxed and happy partners in the area.Cheek by jowl, the human sea even on week nights, is a great joy to be with.The times spent doing nothing, ogling at the latest fashion divas dotting the area and the rich and the famous in their elegant attire, impart a special feeling.The masterly inactivity, of soaking in every little detail is truly engrossing and an experience of a lifetime to remember.

The whole experience was made even more delectable by the hot samosas and an aloo tikki chat, at the Times Square from a near by Indian joint.The purists may frown and twirl their nose and raise an eyebrow, but then what the heck,who the hell cares?A typically American ideology.

P.S. The samosas and the chaat could have given any authentic Bengali market joint a run for the money...contd.......

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The One That Flew (Flu) Away.

Last night, Mr.death knocked at my door
It must have been wee hours of the morning, about three or four

I presume, like any other unwanted, uncalled for visitor
Mr.Death would ring the doorbell, but not this predator

I expected He would be civil and decent
He dispelled all these doubts, in my encounter recent

He made His presence felt
Had me on my knees, bent
Was i in the final prayers to the Lord?
Or pleading to this unforgiving, marauding sod?

Trust me, i saw blood and gore
It was for real, not a folklore
He had me tremble to my core
The pricks and needles had me sore and more

The calls went back and forth
Made to and from colleagues, south and north
The lab results started trickling in
A negative test, making such a positive din

The life on a knife's edge, hanging by a thread
Blood around, not the only reason i saw red

The wait for what never arrived made every moment
Create hurt and pain, leave a scar and a dent?
The nightmare lasted the whole night
Uncertain tryst with fate,a promising life about to blight

Then the birds chirped and demanded their pound of flesh
The nascent breeze crisp, cool and fresh
The sun making His presence afresh
The head suddenly at peace, what was a mess
And the heart free from the negative mesh

So, folks the night before,dead or alive, i had no clue
But the fear has stuck like a glue
The arm now black and blue
Small mercy, it did not turn out to be the damn flu.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

I Am Scared...........

You told me only the truth be thine
You said with truth i shall forever be fine
I trusted you, i soon fell in line
With simple truths i was on cloud nine

You told me the end of the ox is beef
The end of the lie is grief
Live by the truth
Die by the truth

Now i 'll tell you

I spoke truth, only the truth
Nothing but the truth
This commodity was so scarce
I was among the rares

Time went by
You were now never near by
"They" found my truth naked, stark naked
It felt too sacred
"They" felt sorry for me
Covered it a little bit
Dressed it more, bit by bit
I was back!
My dim life suddenly well lit

You know it, it takes two to tango
And two to "truth"
One to speak, the other to listen
And i had none to listen.

Don't listen now, please
For i am "in" and "happening"
With my lies i am the jungle king
I lie with words
I lie with silence

Now people don't believe me
And i don't them
Look how i was reared
And how i am scared!

I am GOD!

Pointed my little finger at the horizon
It turned crimson with rage
And the sun set
Down in the cage
Did i feel potent?

Dived and scratched the mighty ocean's belly
Was amazed, for it was really His soft underbelly
He threw up promptly
A huge tidal wave was churned swiftly
I still stayed tickling His belly, toying with His depth
Was i at the bottom or at the top?

Braved the gusts and bore the brunt
The gale force of winds in my face
He felt i was in his face
He changed the course
Left the race
Did i feel triumphant?

Sprinted to the fields
The grass green with envy
Got singed with the pace
The blades now sporting a yellow face
Did i feel invincible?

Ran out to torrents of rain
The force inflicting sharp pain
Looked up at the heavens
Eyes open, blood shot with strain
Rains petered off to a trickle
Did i feel puissant?

Rowed my boat against the tide
Only the fierce resolve on my side
The current, no face to hide
Altered the course, propelled my boat
Chose it prudent to be my guide
Did i feel mighty?

Victorious, triumphant all pervading
I started back for home
Humming, whistling i tossed a pebble in the air
Sorry Lord, did i wake you up from your lair?
Cause the clouds parted
And the mighty sun shone through
Did i see YOU smile through?
Did i feel God?
Did i feel Godly?

I thought i was human
I face YOU, in YOUR face, I am God!
If i stand erect, I am God!
I stay put, I am God!

I resolved......to be God!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Hic hic hoooorrrrrrah.

The party was the usual, extremely boring
Then i started pouring
At first a quick downing and then drowning
The jerks who were a stern test
A bunch of creepy pests
Suddenly turned into objects of keen interest......................

Eet eez not dat i liiike to Drrink
I Luuv eet
Forr poetree flows betTter on d riverz of Beer
OLLL OLLL d Poettz may not drRink
But You Drrrink you come Grrrreat poetZ
You maY not c d Beuty of diz
Coz beuty liez in D hands of d Beer Holllder
Hic hic horrrrrrah......................................................................2.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Then I Heard The Applause..........

It was a non-starter
He, smarter and fitter
I, larger and fatter

We started at the gunshot
The race was never hot
I gave it all i had got
Yet, cat calls and pot shot
Was all i got.

He ran like a breeze
I ran like my lungs were on a lease
His pace, long ceased to be a tease
Really, it was chalk and cheese

Then, suddenly he came down in a heap
Did my heart, with joy, leap?
Awash with the prize i would reap
Where did i get the second wind?, such a creep!

The distance lessened
My pace quickened
He lay on the ground, flattened

As i came near
I heard the crowd cheer
Or was it a jeer?
A sign to wait on my peer?
Or run past him, and go clear?

As our eyes met
He winked at me, you bet
Did i see them wet?
As he motioned me, a let!

The race was mine for the taking
I realised he was faking
But what the hell, i never asked
It was his making

As i sprinted past him
I heard a thunderous applause
Of deathly silence
Did that stop me
Or my conscience came calling
I shall never know

I gave him my hand
He winked at me again
My wet eyes, my only refrain

Together we limped hand in hand
The crowd stopped yet again
Before it broke into a rapturous applause
This time round the pause
Was the ultimate applause.....


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Silence Of The Gods

So conscious of the crunch of the cinder
Of the feet pounding it right under
Every step ruffling the silence,louder
The trees,the birds gaping at the two legged wonder

The delicate fabric of silence torn to shreds
Forcing nature,yet again to pick the threads

Then i looked around.....

The ants,regimental in a row
Marching noiselessly to the burrow
The birds quiet in their nests
With the little ones in tow
The kittens,huddled,at peace
Waiting for the sun to go low
Not even a complaining meow
Even the usually frisky dogs
Exchanging a silent pow-wow !

What a shattering sound
Their silence made!

Silence was their reply
To the blissfully ignorant !

Hugely embarrassed,i stopped.......

And i heard the rustle of the leaves
Or was it the whispers of Gods?

My Ode To My Soulmate

Forever, between life and death, vacillate
The pain and the conflict, a constant
Do not oscillate.

You and i, my soul mate
We have a date, chosen by fate

I am the sea and you are the shore
The vastness of my love-the sea
My final frontier, you- the shore

The footprints of the pain
On the sand of time
Shall be washed away in the high tide
The foam of passion
Shall be blown away by the winds
You shall find me and you
The sea and the shore
Serene and constant
Now and forever.

The World Remembers...To My Son, On His Graduation As A Lawyer.

The world remembers.......

Not the docile and the law abiding
But the law breakers, who handled chiding

You have the power, you have the law
Shovel the smoke, clear the air
Easy does it, for the fairer share
You shall have to slowly claw

Reasons shall seem fragile
You better be agile
Limited is law
Resort you shall still
To it, with all its flaw

You have the brush,you have the coat
You carry the black
But you wear the white too
Choose the white to paint
Does not make you a saint
But sure it shall easily show the taint

Equal shall look all the facts
Use your skill and all your tact
With the majestic equality of law
You shall have to sign a pact

God's magic, His wonders
He made you,an honest man
Now He waits and ponders
For an honest lawyer, He wanders..................

The Divine Light

Last night,your soul spoke to mine
Your eyes locked in mine
And i was on cloud nine

Your gaze kissed my lips
The heart went into a million flips

The eyes met for an instant
Then the hearts were not distant

I was dreaming, eyes wide open
I shut them, and started mending pictures broken

More they spoke to each other
Worse was our plight
The desperation had reached its height

So i stood up and closed the distance
I shall never forget that instance
You too tried to stand at my insistence
You stumbled, damn my persistence

My eyes were wide open
Yet your fall had me woken
I had your heart broken

Your soul was wide open
Though your eyes, wide shut

A lover's eyes can gaze an eagle blind !

Your divine stare had me turn blind
And they thought you were blind !

Your eyes are your real beauty
And no eyes that have seen beauty
Have ever lost their sight
For they have seen the divine light !

Happy Birthday, My Son !

You should have the cake and eat it too
The world is at your feet
Today,you let it woo

For me,you are the maker's best make
You the divine cake!
Always a joy, the years it took to bake
The world is your giant birthday cake
Don't gobble it alone for Pete's sake!
You have your take
Only after your friends have claimed their stake.

Last night you lit the candles
Before you blew them out
I saw their glow on your face
The candles burnt and you glowed
Did you miss the message?

Either be a candle or the mirror
The light must spread
I wish you on your birthday
You be the candle
The mirror i shall handle
WE shall
Spread the light anyway!


It is not supernatural, to us it comes very natural
It is not surreal, we find it amongst us, so real
It does not startle, it makes rounds in our prattle
Surely is singularly unspectacular, it is so regular
Very human, not any more a demon, a commoner

It shares our bread at the table
Shares our bed,sleeps with us, no more a fable

Its twin sisters,ignorance and boredom
Our world their personal fiefdom
How do we seek freedom?
Goodness and Godliness, alone shall never triumph, we need a lot of wisdom

We have made friends with it
Can't even see the foe
A universal tale of woe

We humans alone are not to be blamed
Even God could imagine evil, but never claimed

In His moments of utter boredom
He lived His imagination, His fascination- for evil
And created us humans-the devil.

His might,right?

The brilliance and the radiance
Of the rising sun
The warmth and the energy
Coming through in a ton
Sure You, God created it
Do i remember having thanked you for that?

Hence the sunset
Is there a motive?
You bet

The darkness saps
Insecurity taps
Fatigue and fear start doing the laps

I think of You
No, i am reminded of You

You create darkness
You create the night
To fill me with fright
Isn't that right?

I reach Your altar
Light the lamp
You dispel the darkness, the night

I wonder You created the night
To create the fright
Pray, what is Your idea bright?
Guide us with Your light
Or flaunt Your might?


( Virus (n.) Etymology, a Latin word used by medical practitioners, meaning "Your guess is as good as mine" )


It's still a mystery, a whodunit !
An activity so nefarious
With an intent malicious
He must have derived the pleasure vicarious
Be it Darius or Cyrus

My immune-compromised laptop was minus
A firewall efficacious
It left it porous
Susceptible to the attack of this virulent virus
And if i have to point a finger suspicious
It has to be in the direction of the aggrieved readers
Bombarded with poetry atrocious
Got even and planted the bug, deadly pernicious....

Didn't notice any discharge
Sanguinous or serous
The course of the disease, precipitous
What with the bug infesting my laptop's
Every sulcus and gyrus

Made me realise
Working on a PC is so laborious
A business so strenuous

This may sound atrocious
A touch ridiculous
But until the cure is found for this malady vicious
With finances hit badly by the recession, in full splendour- gorgeous
I am seized with the thought capricious
Will i find a soul generous
A soul so magnanimous
Who shall part with his possession prestigious
Or gift me a brand new laptop
Only to be attacked, this time
With the words more ferocious and ludicrous !


What is it that i seek in others, or, in the things i love so much, as to start depending or expecting from them?

It got clearer to me that those are the aspects of my persona which i feel i lack or i need.Hence, i need to instill, nurture and maintain these very traits which i seek in others, within me.Looks to me a sure winner, for all seasons.This must obviate my dependence on individuals and things.

This awareness must stay with me regardless of my interactions (enriching or energy sapping) and the experiences with the on going life.I have decided not to get hurt or ecstatic and stay focused on developing this independence or shall i call it self-dependence?

In the process, it is possible i may get hurt, but scarred i shall not allow myself to get.Scars mean a deeper hurt which stays.I shall avoid clamping up when challenged, hurt or threatened.

I shall communicate, preferably initiate a dialogue with my OTHER self, the liberated self.

You bet, i shall always find what i sought in others, right here, within me, firmly ensconced, thriving and vibrant and always available.!